FIT pricing.

Jurisdictions in the United States, and the United Kingdom have higher Feed in Tariff rates than Ontario in spite of arguably having less risky and less costly regulatory environments. The conclusion is that Ontario rates must go up to match the more risky and more costly regulatory environment in Ontario or …

False Markets.

Comments by many who argue that Feed in Tariff programs just create “false or fake markets” and “that In a free and democratic country, a commodity’s price should be determined by the marketplace and subject to the laws of supply and demand” are based on the assumption of perfect markets. Therefore, they argue that feed in tariff programs are just unfair subsidies to certain producers that the expense of consumers. The problem is that the “marketplace” is anything but perfect…

Fish Passage.

Our installations allow downstream fish passage and is proven safe. Upstream fish passage requires an extra installation of a fish ladder/ passage. To “require” upstream fish passage installation or otherwise deny installation of micro waterpower is counterproductive…

The Ontario regulatory environment for waterpower.

The regulatory environment in Ontario is such that it increases the risk of development and significantly adds to total costs and these costs are higher than in other jurisdictions globally. This statement is based on our attempts over the last several years to get 30 waterpower sites ready for the next FIT application window in Ontario…